
Tuesday, 4 January 2011


Feeling so full and I didn't even eat that muchfor lunch - just brussels sprouts with soy. Obviously I didn't need that much either. Which is awesome. Makes me happy. Sort of.

I actually think that I got to a way to limit my food intake to just the amount I would really need. The key point is chewing each mouthful minimum of 30 times. Takes a hell of a long time to eat. And makes the body understant the point at which it is full already. And makes my jaws sore from all the work they have to do. And that is awesome. To think of it - it is just like that. When I binge I practically swollow the food whole. With all the chewing and counting I have to concentrate and can't stuff everything in. Especially since when I start thinking that this is enough. It will show up on scale otherwise and I start feeling really guilty and so on. So that is good. I think I'll put my money on chewing :3

Now I have to go out and fetch a shampoo that I ordered. It makes my hair grow faster. If you ever have a chance to buy hair products from "Davines" I suggest them strongly. They are pricy, jet awesome. Thiking that I could combine going out with some running. But the fact is, the streets are full of snow and I have no idea, if I'll be able to run at all. So yeah. Anyway. I can try.

Bye for now.

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